Sadržaj paketa: smeštaj, neograničen broj ulaznica za bazene koji su u susednom Napfényfürdő Aquapolis Szeged kupališnom kompleksu i u "Forrás Spa" deo.
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We would like to inform you that the thermal pools, the adventure pools with slides and the family wellness of Napfényfürdő Aquapolis are closed due to mandatory maintenance works in the following periods:
- 23-27 September 2024. Planned re-opening: 27 September 2024 (Friday), 2 PM
During these periods Forrás Spa (25 m long swimming pool, adventure and effervescent pool, Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam cabin, salt cabin, tepidarium, aroma room, outdoor log sauna) welcomes you every day between 7 AM – 9 PM.