Would you like to get some rest in Bükfürdő both on weekdays and weekends? Spend some pleasant days in our hotel HUNGUEST BÜK, where we offer you halfboard supplement with spa entries.
The price includes:
Valid: between 02. January 2025 - 30. November 2025, minimum 2 nights stay (except for holidays)
Do not forget: Our hotel is unique in Bükfürdő, since it has direct connection with the Bükfürdő Thermal&Spa through a topped corridor.
By clicking on the "PRICES AND BOOKING" button, you can make an immediate price calculation and take advantage of our online discounts!
(The inside and outside renovated Hotel Répce = East wing, while the Hotel Répce Gold = West wing are under these new names available.)
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Erste Bank Hungary Zrt.