For your security in terms equipment will be looked after in both shops in Heiligenblut. When you want to check your equipment and to be set correctly, or the perfect "board" or the perfect "boards" and everything that goes with just hire for the duration of your stay, you will find the right material for a carefree ski holiday!
Who is the first time on the slopes, is in the Skischool Heiligenblut in best hands. If big or small, if beginner or advancer, if in a group or individual course. Ambros Unterkircher and his team are there for you with help and advice. You are good at skiing and want to try something others? Still this is no problem with the team of Skischool Heiligenblut.
*Perfection workout*right carving*snowboarding*deep snow driving*go ski tours* and the king class "the fascination of freeriding" on the freeride arena Grossglockner* … all with professional guidance and proper equipment!